Logos Bible Institute


Logos Bible Institute

Fall Semester 2024

Classes – Prophesy & Bibliology

September 9 – December 16, 2024

    As an Independent Baptist Bible Institute, the focus of the classes is to expand the student’s knowledge and understanding of God through His Word.  The material is practical for any level of spiritual capability through an interactive class setting.

    Learning and exploring the Word of God is for every child of God, If you thirst for the Word of God, want to find out the will of God for your life and build a solid Scriptural foundation, then this is the Bible Institute for you!

    During each semester, classes are held every Monday in the Church Annex.  First class begins at 7 pm concluding at 7:55 pm.  Second class begins at 8:05pm concluding at 9pm.  A light supper is provided for students from 6:30pm – 7pm.

To register for the 2024 Fall Semester please contact the church and leave a message with your name and a call back number at 210-267-5477 or by email at pyronpastor@gmail.com .  There is a $40 Semester Fee.  Fee covers printed material and a T-Shirt with logo of Logos Bible Institute for every new student.

            We pray those who attend Pyron Avenue Baptist Church – Logos Bible Institute be empowered, transformed and molded by the amazing power of God’s Word.  Thus creating humble servants willing to fully serve Him through their everyday lives, at home and in their respective Church.


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Joshua 1:8